My last run left me at level 52 after defeating the Destroyer. The goal, then, will be to finish PT 2 as close to level 50 as possible. Old Haven - Salt Flats and beyond will be around 48-50. I like to reach New Haven at 42, and then make-sure I’m at Jaynistown in Rust Commons East at about level 46 (basically as soon as I’ve killed Krom and handed that piece to Tannis, I head over to do the “Secret Rendezvous” mission.) I usually do most of the side-missions here, but I try to reach New Haven around level 42. The same formula used in PT 1 applies here, except that we have Knoxx sitting out there with a hard starting point of level 51. Plus, completing PT 2 enables the global scaling for the main game, DLC1 and DLC 4. You’ll get a better feel for your character, and start to specialize and make your build distinct. Think of PT 1 as the introduction, and PT 2 as the real meat of the game.

Playthrough 2 is really the keystone to everything subsequent. The goal here is to be done with PT 1 at about level 32 - 35, depending on how many Lance and Guardians you can skirt past at the end. 23 - 25 by the time you Seek out Tannis, 26 - 27 by the time you make the Secret Rendezvous at Jaynistown. Be sparing with your side-missions, and only do them if you need to level-up. Once at New Haven, head out to find Tannis. In general, do all or most of the side-missions until you defeat Sledge, and then move-on into the Dah Headlands.

The only thing you need to worry about here is keeping an eye on the level of the story mission. This guide assumes the behavior of patch 1.41 is in effect. I’ve recently gone through a new playthrough, and I thought I’d share my thoughts on what I think would be the best way to access all of the DLCs while staying as close to the surrounding mission level as possible. So, there are a lot of newer people just getting into the game, and there are still a lot of ways to wind-up over or under-leveled for the area you want to play. Ideal Playthrough and Skill Points and Knoxx